The food for humans must be clean, free of any toxins, and also of high quality. Every effort matters, especially those affecting the environment in which our everyday food is produced. That's where diesel exhaust fluid as an optimal source comes into play, lets us have cleaner weather to breathe and live in.

Save Millions by AdBlue DEF

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) or any other organization mandating the regulations to cut harmful emissions of diesel engines is not just a mere protocol. The Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) comes with ultra-positive benefits both for the money in our bank account and, in the case of farming, protecting our generous nature to produce our food.

Through the mentioned act (DERA), EPA offers funding for diesel exhaust emissions elimination, which is an excellent opportunity to harmonize your efforts with federal environmental actions. As you continue reading, we also offer you to visit our products section to see how we are trying to properly minimize your expenditures and help you pursue an eco-friendly approach to farming.

Exhaust Emissions Impact Our Overall Health and Nature

To be specific, the dirty gas coming out of the farming vehicles' engines damages our earthly presence in two ways:

1) Health Hazards

According to the data provided by HSE UK, "Breathing in diesel fumes can affect your health, and exposure to the fumes can irritate your eyes or respiratory tract. These effects are generally short-term and should disappear when you are away from the source of direction.

However, prolonged exposure to diesel fumes, mainly blue or black smoke, could lead to coughing, chestiness, and breathlessness.

2) Damage to the Environment

The gas coming out of any diesel engine is also responsible for the greenhouse effect, being a part of carbonization causing the global climate crisis.

Carbonization is the root cause of any adverse consequences affecting the food production process by poisoning soil and water systems by entering toxic particles coming down as acid rain.

Optimizing your farming equipment can contribute to a much healthier economy with reduced energy consumption, benefiting from advanced low-consumption engines or using advanced emission control techniques like SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) systems.

What can we do to tackle environmental hazards?

Unfortunately, the EPA's emission control act is a bit new. Now millions of old and dirty farming vehicles are still operating, which brings us to the conclusion that these old fellas must be optimized for good, as we cannot sometimes change the whole system. For that matter, the SCR system looks like a better and possible solution.

As its name implies, the SCR system benefits from a catalytic reaction in the exhaust stream, which happens via injection of a magical potion known as Diesel Exhaust Fluid before losing them out of the exhaust system.

For your information, diesel exhaust fluid or DEF (AdBlue DEF, AUS 32, DEF 32) is a careful mixture of high-purity urea with deionized water. It is non-toxic, non-flammable, easy to handle, and colorless. But, despite being non-hazardous, we recommend you take it with care.

Please contact us for more information regarding handling, shipping, and other aspects of DEF fluid.

How can we help you?

Azure, a trusted brand, is honored to deliver the highest quality Adblue DEF products for different industries and usages according to the latest standards and field knowledge. Our specialists extensively try to make a product complying with environment protection laws and our customers' needs. Not only do we specialize in manufacturing but also in its storage and transportation to ensure the quality of the delivery process.